Cedar Rapids Rabbit Breeders Association Application Submition

Thank you for your submission!

Your application will be accepted upon reciept of the application dues which are at the bottom of this page. Please have all dues paid by November 30th of this year in order to meet the State and ARBA deadline of January 1st.

Please send all membership information to club secretary:

Deborah Caw
3180 62nd St
Shellsburg. IA 52332

Club dues: Jan-Dec31, due by 11-15 of any given year.

  • Family-$5.00 + $2.00 per each youth member
  • Couple-$5.00
  • Adult-$3.00
  • Youth-$2.00

State dues: Jan-December 31, due by 11-30 of any given year.

  • Family-$13.00 + 2.50 per youth member
  • Couple-$13.00
  • Adult-$10.00
  • Youth-$6.00